I'm using this post to catalog a few project ideas that I've been procrastinating for far too long. But now that I'm set to be stupidly busy indefinitely, why not start one?
1. Live display feed over [usb?] to microSD for playback on non-networked display device.
Easiest method I've guessed up:
- Run VNC server using rfbproxy or vncrec to write live display to video file
- Will need to scale output video dimensions via either server, rfbproxy/vncrec, or through Handbrake/similar in order to ensure decoding can be done quickly enough and to correct file format
- Hardware part: a microSD[?] will need to be mounted concurrently on both the host and the client, with the client reading the video file while the host writes it... This may be nearly impossible.
* look into how VLC procedurally plays a video still being downloaded
* client may require SD mounted RO
* may need to let host initialize SD, put a 'dummy' card in that won't be handling any RW anyways then let the client initialize then force concurrent mounting
- This may be easier with a thumb drive simply wired up to an OPEN'ed mSD.
- What about trying to use WiDi as a video source?
2. What can I convince to run a mostly-compliant JVM?
- Start high-level and code a JVM in C# [java? lol] to run on Windows then move to something else - ideally eventually to an MC or FPGA.
3. RE sunshine.apk - the bootloader unlocker tool for Moto G/X.
- Very difficult without a rooted test device.
- Set up rooted tablet to 'emulate' Moto X and read actual results
- What device info is sunshine actually reading/using?
- Remove license verification and resign apk to run on moto x
- Will signing be an issue?
4. Back to the Wintel
- What drivers are missing/required to get sound[?] and BT running under Android?
- What would be required to OC this thing under Windows?
- Driver support under Ubuntu?
- What sort of hw mods could be done - RAM, PCIe?
5. ReactOS is awesome! What can I do with it?
- CR-infringing Win/React hybrid, enabling unlocked everything and DX12+ support as well, running natively?
- Cross with JVM project?
6. BTC/altcoins?
- JVM/React dedicated miner? Are those even cool any more?
7. Any Android games worth RE or botting?
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